Aura Videography

That little yellow halo that we see around higher spiritual beings (across religions) shows a well blossomed and spiritually advanced ‘aura’. Every object- animate or inanimate has one! An aura is an energy field surrounding the animate and inanimate objects. Before falling sick, the illness attacks the human aura.

We conduct aura photography sessions which can tell them about their current emotional and physical state by looking at the aura through an advanced program

We have a team of registered practitioners empanelled with us making our mission work!

What can you get by getting your aura examined?

Information in energy leakages if any -

Impact of a healing modality on your body -

Energy blockages if any -

A general commentary on the aura -

We also provide healing consultations if required by the patient post the Aura Videography.


The Bach Flower Remedies helps address emotional issues from the root hereby achieving equilibrium not only among humans but animals as well. This alternative treatment has shown wonderful results in many of our clients. We have also seen its immense potential in addressing psychosomatic disorders. We have a team of trained and certified professionals who prescribe these remedies. Get in touch with us for more information!